Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Happy Solstice!

I hope everyone has a Blessed Litha! I'll be at work during the day, so when I take my break, I'll see if I can sit outside to eat. I can't have any candles, but I wrote a little Litha Blessing for my lunch.

Goddess bless these berries bright,
God bless this honey sweet.
Bless this tea I drink,
And this food I eat.

I plan on bringing blueberries and raspberries, making some green ginger tea (with lots of honey!), and a sandwich. I'll sit in the sunshine, the fresh air, and thank my Goddess and God for summer, for guiding me to my path, and yes, for being employed.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Patience, Peace, Serenity

From New Moon to Full I decided to work on having more patience, and finding more time to sit in peace and quiet. Now that the full moon is here, it's time to sit back and see what worked and what didn't.

I've been much more patient with customers at work. More polite, guarding my thoughts more, in general, doing pretty well.

At home, I've definitely been finding more time to focus on me, and on my study of Wicca.

With my visiting grandparents... Well, I've been doing just peachy with my grandmother. My "I was the man of the house at 14, never wasted anything, always have a clean house with all the laundry done" god-complex grandfather? I can say I was never rude to him. To his face, anyway. I will continue to pray that Goddess and God grant me a bit more serenity than I've got.

I like to end with something positive, so:
My mom's recovery from surgery seems to continue going well. She was able to get up and walk a little today! Hopefully she can come home today.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Stress and Negativity

We are having window shades installed, and so the house had to be cleaned. My mom is the type to stress about everything a great deal more than she should. When she stresses, it affects the whole house. The atmosphere is clogged with tension. I don't know if my dad or brothers notice, but it's making me almost physically ill.

The man installing the shades should be here any minute. I desperately need to walk off this feeling, but I'm not supposed to go anywhere right now. I need to at least go outside and ground.

On the bright side, my room is a great deal cleaner than it has been in a while.

(Also, mom found a receipt from a bookstore where I bought a couple fiction books and a wiccan book. Fortunately, it was so faded she couldn't read it...)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Faerie Gifts For Princess Aurora

The coworker who knows I'm wiccan, ML, is expecting her first child in July . She's having a girl, and naming her Aurora . I decided to crochet a pastel plush star, and I added a little magick for protection, health, happiness, peace, friendship, prosperity, wisdom, and restful sleep- with permission, of course. Inside each point of the star is jasmine oil, and in the very middle of the stuffing is a little sachet with 9 herbs (plus a couple extra because the base was a packet of SleepyTime Tea). A few of the herbs I included are; Sage, St. John's Wort, Chamomile, and Eucalyptus.

I made both halves and sewed them most of the way together, then I put the jasmine in each point, stuffed each point, cast a circle, made my intent known, asked the Goddess and God to bless the star, and the baby, and finished assembling the star. I left it on my altar for now.

I'm sure I probably did something wrong, or could have done something better. I think, however, that "It's the thought that counts" really applies here. My intent is for this to bring happiness to little Aurora, and to offer some measure of protection and peace. (and it smells pretty!)